Details of the presentations are as follows:

Poster Presentations

Poster Title: Characterization of Cognitive Domains in Individuals with MCI and AD Dementia with The Altoida Digital Neuro Signature (DNS)

Presenter: Alberto Ferrari, Ph.D., Biostatistician, Altoida

Poster Number: P0449* / #2273

Onsite Poster Board Number: 401

Poster Title: Evaluation of The Altoida Digital Neuro Signature (DNS) in Cognitively Normal and MCI Individuals with Hearing Loss – A Pilot Study

Presenter: Florencia Iulita, Ph.D., Head of Medical Strategy and Operations, Altoida

Poster Number: P0450* / #2128

Onsite Poster Board Number: 402

Poster category: A04.J. Imaging, Biomarkers, Diagnostics: Cognitive, Psychometric & Behavioral Tests, Digital Endpoints, Remote Testing