All articles by Ky Nikitha

Ky Nikitha

Skin in the game

Affecting millions in the US, chronic, large or non-healing wounds, such as diabetic pressure ulcers, are especially costly as they often require multiple treatments. Scientists have created a new mobile skin-bioprinting system, which allows bilayered skin to be printed directly onto a wound. Sean Murphy, assistant professor at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Centre, speaks to Kerry Taylor-Smith about the implications for wound care.

Future shock

Electrotherapy units have been a part of doctors’ arsenals for decades, yet their use has long been hampered by technical drawbacks and dangerous side effects. But with the rise of nanotechnology, scientists finally have the chance to bring electrotherapy into our century. Andrea Valentino talks to Dr Xudong Wang, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, about how the humble bandage is now at the forefront of medical life.

Nudge in the right direction

Hand hygiene is, of course, paramount to prevent infections but boosting compliance remains challenging. Nudging, a gentle push to encourage a desirable behaviour, could provide an easily implemented, inexpensive measure to address the issue. Emma Green speaks to Martine Caris, resident in internal medicine from the Department of Internal Medicine at OLVG Hospital, Amsterdam, about the potential of this novel approach.

Life in your hands

Considerable effort has been put into boosting adherence to hand-hygiene practices among healthcare staff, but there’s a blind spot when it comes to patients. Isabel Ellis asks Lona Mody, geriatrician, epidemiologist and patient-safety researcher at the University of Michigan, about her research into patient colonisation by multi-drug resistant organisms.

A valid point

The struggle to diagnose rapidly is a significant cause of death from communicable and noncommunicable diseases in the developing world. Existing diagnostic tools usually require sophisticated infrastructure, stable electrical power, expensive reagents, long assay times and highly trained personnel, which are not often available in limited resource settings. BIVDA chief executive Doris-Ann Williams discusses the potential of point-of-care testing to address these inequalities.

The ultimate puzzle

Traditional methods of diagnosing patients with neurological diseases have a number of issues for healthcare professionals and patients. Over recent decades, there has been an increase in the use of blood tests, which can measure important biomarkers in a non-invasive and cost-effective way. Emma Green speaks with Niklas Mattsson, associate senior lecturer at Lund University and physician at Skåne University Hospital in Sweden, about the potential of these newer methods to improve our understanding of neurological diseases, as well as informing diagnosis and treatment.

Ideas on paper

Paper-based diagnostics at point-of-care are commonplace in today’s healthcare. However, they do have their limitations, something scientists are working to address. Andrew Tunnicliffe speaks with Professor Eden Morales-Narváez of the Center for Optics Research, Mexico, to find out how a variant of quantum physics could help.

Deep dive into data

There is a lot of discussion about machine learning, AI and automation within healthcare, but implementation remains at an early stage. Nevertheless, these tools provide huge opportunities to a number of different areas. Nikolay Oskolkov, research scientist from Lund University, speaks to Emma Green about the potential of deep learning to transform diagnostics.

Nowhere to hide

Ovarian cancer is hard to spot in the body and difficult to operate upon, with surgeons often failing to extract the minuscule tumours from patients the first time around. Now, a new optical imaging method promises to reduce the disease’s grim mortality rate. Greg Noone talks to Dr Neelkanth Bardhan from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology about how his laboratory’s scanning technique improves the accuracy of not only the diagnosis of ovarian cancer, but also its treatment.

It’s in the genome

Current testing of patients with neurodevelopmental and congenital anomalies leaves a number of cases undiagnosed or unexplained. A new sophisticated computational model, developed by scientists at Lawson Health Research Institute, is bringing an innovative method of diagnosing rare genetic conditions. Emma Green speaks to Bekim Sadikovic, associate scientist at Lawson and head of the molecular genetics division in the department of pathology and laboratory medicine, London Health Sciences Centre about the implications of these findings.